Easter Celebration and Pastors’ Ordination
May 21, 2009 | News and Events
[singlepic id=2 w=320 h=240 float=right]NIM organized a combined service on Easter Saturday this year. The main service was in the morning. As usual there was no enough space for every one. People were sitting every where. We had a wonderful time.
NIM Gyaneshwar is expanding greatly in number by the grace of God. One place was not possible to hold that great number of believers. Believers gathered had hard time to find a place for themselves.
Including Pastor Robert Karthak other Elders and leaders were praying for a long time for decentralization of the Church. As a result, NIM was able to start local fellowships in Gyaneshwar, Gongabu, Jorpati and Lalitpur. As time passed by these local fellowships were turned to local Churches. Praise be to God, these local Churches have some daughter Churches as well. This shows that we needed to expand our leadership also. Twelve existing Elders were ordained to be Pastors on that day, April 11, 2009. The whole Church was rejoicing on this timely decision.
Click here to view photos of Pastors’ Ordination Program.