
The church has different activities running throughout the week.

There are 107 house fellowship groups (cell group) and have their fellowship every Wednesday and Thursday. Each house fellowship group has a leader and an assistant leader.

Youth meetings are held every third week of english month after the church service. There are over 500 youths who gather twice a month for youth fellowship. Every Sunday evening in 50 different places youths gather for bible study. The youth leaders also gather for bible study and for prayer in 13 different groups every week.

Sunday school or children’s ministry is done every Saturday during the church service. Children up to 15 years of age are included in children’s ministry and then they transit to youth fellowship. There are approximately 900 children who participate in the children ministry.

Men’s and women’s fellowship are organized once every month in the church after the church service.

All the leaders of the church and leaders of House fellowship, youth fellowship, Children ministry, men and women fellowship gather twice a year for reporting and training.

Prayer services are held all the days of the week for 1 hour in their respective daughter churches.

Revival meeting is organized once a month. The purpose of organizing revival meetings is to pray for the sick and deliverance of the demon possessed and receiving the fresh anointings of the Holy Spirit.