Agape Mission Conference

May 21, 2009 | News and Events  

[singlepic id=22 w=320 h=240 float=right]Agape Christian Fellowship in partnership with mission department of NIM organized a three day annual conference for leader’s in NIM Gyaneshwar, Kathmandu from May 18 to 20, 2009. The theme of the conference was “Mission”. Pastor Charles Schmitt from Immanuel’s Church USA was ministering from the word of God. He spoke on 8 principles of Apostolic Mission. Participants were greatly challenged by his sharing.

There was a participation from all three founding member churches, Gyaneshwas, Ramghat and Birgunj and from their daughter churches. Some 300+ leaders were gathered from different parts of Nepal. Many of them were from NIM affiliated Churches. The Leaders had an opportunity to share region wise about their work and blessing from God upon their work. People were thrilled when they heard their testimonies.

Pastor B.B. Khawas gave a talk on Church governance and finance. Likewise, Pastor Mahesh Thanju shared with the participants about conducting Church services. He emphasized on Do’s and Don’ts while conducting a service.

The three days conference concluded with communion service conducted by senior Pastor Robert Karthak.

Agape Mission Conference 2009 Photo Gallery